Rancho Solano (02/24/24) Tournament Results

Qualifier #1 – NCGA 32nd Annual Associates Club 2024

Gross & Net Scores

Name Gross Net
Charles Hendricks                          36.00 81 70
Harry Anicama                                24.00 87 72
Jeff Needham                                 12.00 86 74
Christopher Gillis 84 75
Fred Leach 82 75
Paul Lopez 85 76
Robert Dopp 86 76
Craig Vincent 90 76
Sandy Barta 98 79
Dan Warren 94 79
Rick Merkel 88 79
June King 99 80
Peter Milkovich 93 80
Steve Schmidt 97 80
Bill Sinn 98 81
Andrea Merkel 101 81
Justin Warren 96 82
John Roberts 98 82
Jim Lakin 93 83
Michael Lemon 94 85
Jim Pawloski 107 85
Douglas Svensson 108 87
Wayne Madison 114 88
Gross Skins
Paul Lopez  7    Birdie on 5, 6 & 18 53.00
Craig Vincent  5    Birdie on 13 38.00
Charles Hendricks  4    Birdie on 4 30.00
June King  2    Birdie on 8 15.00
Net Skins
Craig Vincent  5    Eagle on 13 53.00
Paul Lopez  5    Eagle on 5 53.00
June King  3    Eagle on 8  31.00

Putting Winner/Qualifier

                  Jim Lakin  –  Qualified

        Peter Milkovich  –  Qualified

           Jeff Needham  –  Qualified

           Justin Warren  –  Qualified

Low Putts in Round

     Christopher Gillis               28 Putts             12.00

     Charles Hendricks               28 Putts             12.00

Putting Average & Qualifiers >>>>> click to print

Tournament Summary >>>>> click to print

Qualifier #1 – NCGA 32nd Annual Associate Fourball Net 2024 >>>>> click to print

Note:    Left click to view, then Right click & select print

Closest to the Pin
Holes 12 Wayne Madison 17.00
Hole 15 Rick Merkel 17.00
Hole 5 Paul Lopez 17.00
Hole 8 June King 17.00
Front 9 Sandy Barta                                   (32) 24.00
Back 9 Charles Hendricks                        (35) 8.00
Back 9 Harry Anicama                              (35) 8.00
Back 9 Craig Vincent                                 (35) 8.00
18 Charles Hendricks                        (70) 24.00
Harry Anicama 32.
Sandy Barta 24.
Christopher Gillis 12.
Charles Hendricks 110.
June King 63.
Jim Lakin 12.
Paul Lopez 123.
Wayne Madison 17.
Rick Merkel 17.
Peter Milkovich 12.
Jeff Needham 24.
Craig Vincent 99.
Justin Warren 12.